
The World of Beer


Beer is a natural product, brewed with natural ingredients.

Water, malt, hops and yeast are combined to create one of the most popular drinks in the world.


Probably the most important ingredient, as beer is composed of 95% water. Salts, trace elements and minerals are removed (or added) before brewing, as they affect the unique taste of the beer.


Barley malt is the seed that gives beer its sweetness, color and body. The malting process includes steeping, germination and kilning, while the different temperature during kilning gives us the different types of malt.


Hops contain oils and resins that determine beer’s bitterness, flavor and aroma. There are many different types of hops, but only “Humulus Lupulus”, and its female flowers, is used during the brewing process.


Yeast plays an important role in brewing, as it gives beer its unique aroma and taste, determining its final character. Out of numerous of yeast’s varieties and types, only 2 main categories are used in the brewing process, the bottom fermenting yeasts and the top fermenting yeasts.

The way we combine these 4 ingredients gives a wide variety of flavors, aromas and appearance in beer.


Types of beer

The main distinction in the types of beer is made through the way of fermentation and the type of yeast we use. The main 2 types of beer are:

1) Beers that have been fermented with top fermenting yeasts, with mainly the use of ale type of yeasts, where the fermentation takes place at 18-25 °C

2) Beers that have been fermented with bottom fermenting yeasts, with mainly the use of lager type of yeasts, where the fermentation takes place at 8-18 °C


Tips to choose your beer: